A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming QT Certified: Empowering Independent Tutors

The QT Certification process is a new initiative designed to elevate the stature of independent....

How Independent Tutors Can Boost their Reputation with Online Reviews

In today’s digital age, online reviews play a significant role in shaping a tutor’s reputation.....

Technology and Storytelling – How storytelling can supercharge emotional learning and development in children

Do you recall how story time would excite you so much as a kid? There....

Navigating the Parent-Tutor Relationship in Support of Children’s Education: Insights from QT Conversations

In a recent QT Conversations discussion, Julia Silver, Founder of Qualified Tutor, led a thought-provoking....

What does CPD mean to you?

This sounds like a repetitive and obvious question for anyone in education, yet it leads....

The Manning’s guide to punctuality Or: how to not be late. By Johnny Manning, Manning’s Tutors

Before I even start typing I can already sense the eye-rolling sighs of tutors who....

Accredit Your Course with Qualified Tutor

If you have created training that you believe is of value to tutors, then we....

Hybrid Events Promote Diversity and Inclusivity

I just received this email from a well-known events company whose events were free to....

Why Love // Tutoring // Festival?

If you know me at all you’ll know that I love words. I love the....

We are all Participants

After a difficult, but very wonderful year, I have discovered that one question holds the....