Category Archives: Strategies

Maximising Success: Insights from a Tutoring Business Club Session on Hiring and Managing Tutors

In a recent session hosted by Odette Wolhman, co-founder of Qualified Tutor, participants of the....

The importance of cheerleaders in your tutoring

What a powerful session today in Supervision Circles! May is all about growth – whether....

Empowering Tutors: The Transformative Benefits of Being a Qualified Tutor Member

What are the benefits for being a Qualified Tutor Member? Hear from our community of....

What is the difference between £5/hour tutoring and £50/hour tutoring?

There is a question that I take with me wherever I go: What is the....

How QT Digital Credentials will Transform the Tutoring Profession

No longer do you need to hang your certificates behind your desk so clients know....

SEND Series with Jack #5: Love

In Jack's final piece of this series, he approaches the sometimes difficult topic of 'love'....

SEND Series with Jack #4: Truth Seeking

Jack produces his penultimate instalment of this SEND series, with a fabulous piece on understanding,....

Creating a Safe and Stimulating Classroom or Outdoor Lesson: Part 2

Anthonia Eddo returns to pen the second part of her series on classroom or outdoor....

SEND Series with Jack #2: Everybody Knows …

Jack returns for his second instalment with a powerful piece about shared understanding in behaviour.....

SEND Series with Jack #1: The Company of the Unfamiliar

In the first of a new blog series for the Special Education Needs & Disabilities....