Tag Archives: confidence

Love Tutoring: What do we sell?

But how do we know what our product is as tutors? Yes, we assist students....

4 Expert Tips for Reducing Exam Stress

Hazel Barnett has been tutoring for longer than anyone we know. Hazel first started tutoring....

Not All Errors are Equal

In the first of three-part series of blogs reflecting on his own tutoring, Dave Harris....

Managing Your Time

Daniel draws on his hectic schedule, with tutoring, meetings, uni work and more, to provide....

Q&A with Community Member, Helen Osmond

Helen Osmond has a goal: to turn students from maths-haters to maths-lovers. Here's how she....

Tutors are a big influence

Richard puts his tutoring experience into perspective. A rich resource and strong motivation for young....

Tutoring – Pitch and Pace

The most important thing that I've learned is that tutoring is all about a relationship.....

Flicking a Switch

Tutors build confidence, don't they? That's what they really do.— Julia Silver

The secrets to good teaching and learning

It’s really important that the educator shows the students there is purpose in what they're....

What should the curriculum be right now?

E-safety, germ theory and being patient with your family. What the Coronavirus curriculum could look....