Tutors as mentors

A tutor is a person who provides assistance or tutelage to one or more persons on certain subject areas or skills in others. Tutoring is not limited to a specific demographic or skill (cognitive skills / non-cognitive skills). Tutoring and mentoring work hand-in-hand to enrich learning and individualised growth in any institution or programme.   It also promotes the narrative of continuous learning, relationship building and identity development in adolescents and youths. A mentor may naturally connect with the mentee rather than being formally assigned, thus a tutor or teacher can act as a mentor directly or indirectly. A tutor ensures that the students achieve, and even exceed their desired goals over a certain period of time.   Tutors are experts in a certain field, who meet teaching standards alongside their mentoring skills. These skills create an atmosphere for all learners, including gifted learners and those who need intervention to grow, flourish and succeed. Tutor-mentoring is relevant to all levels and aspects of education as it is a catalyst for development and confidence.   Growth is a product of lifelong learning nurtured through a positive mindset and adequate resources to help a student flourish and succeed in a globally competitive world. Tutoring is not only targeted to a certain period of time or particular gaps in learning, but a mechanism for fuelling sustained attention in career paths, innovation, creativity, knowledge and skill acquisition.    Here is a comment from a research site on geniuses:   —-

Do geniuses need mentors? 


It might be more accurate to say that a genius needs a mentor more than a person of lesser intellect, but everyone can greatly benefit from a teacher. A genius perhaps has further to go and so can use more help getting started on the path. Usually when I have met a person of high intellectual ability, if I ask who taught them, they can tell me. They know what I mean. Sometimes it is a situation that has developed their problem-solving skills, but usually, it is a person.   I may or may not be the exception to the rule though. I was in a large family and younger, so I got little attention from my parents. I was unusually bright so my teachers rarely understood me. I did gain knowledge by listening to older siblings and even adults, but in many ways, I lacked drive. I lacked the ability to put much of my knowledge together or really know how to use my mind. Sure, I could solve any math problem and did great at academics, but that’s not smart. I was an untrained animal.   I’ve written a book on how to use superior intelligence effectively and translate insight into “language” or other cultural tools. I’ve written a book about human genetics in the context of a rapidly changing world and am writing a strategy book about the same thing. My friends are smart techies, who frequently disagree with me and do not appreciate the depth I can bring to any discussion.    What would I be if I’d had a mentor though?  

Emotional intelligence – Growth mindset

New ways of describing genius nearly always incorporate ability, creativity, mastery of a domain, and other personality traits such as autonomy and capacity for endurance. Furthermore, this relates to cognitive and non-cognitive skills including EQ (emotional intelligence) and IQ.   A Growth Mindset, as defined by Dr Carol Dweck, is characterised by an underlying belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed. This mindset is often further defined by contrasting it with a so-called Fixed Mindset; an underlying belief that our abilities and intelligence are predetermined and set at particular levels.   

    Everyone needs a tutor who has mentoring skills to develop lifelong learning skills in specific area of interests, who lays a foundation for innovation, who gives constructive criticism as a result of the fact that curricula and examinations do not totally define our intelligence nor create maximum opportunities for the world to acquire more Geniuses.      *** Anthonia Omolola Eddo  MFL specialist  https://www.tutomy.com/tutor/omolola-eddo