The Story of QT

It starts with ‘why’

2019 Launch Day

Qualified Tutor was founded in 2019 by former school leader Julia Silver, to improve outcomes for students by developing the adults who work with them.

2020 Festivals & Events

In 2020 Julia launched the first Love Tutoring Festival, to bring tutors together with fellow peers & experts. This festival is now in its fifth year & has inspired our other festivals including Bett, Wellbeing & Leadership.

2022 Membership

With the arrival of Odette, we were able to consolidate all the opportunities, professional development and events we had created into one simple and affordable membership.

Why Qualified Tutor?

Since tutoring is unregulated, it is up to the professionals to opt in to standards for safety, quality and continuity.

Qualified Tutor is the leading Professional Development Organisation for the tutoring profession. With accredited training, community, and the Love Tutoring Festivals, we have now reached tens of thousands tutors worldwide with our message that ‘Tutoring is Not Plan B, it’s a legitimate profession and for some, a better career choice’.

Julia and Odette are passionate about improving outcomes for students by nurturing the adults that work with them.

Julia & Odette

Mumpreneurs on a Mission

Like most great mum friendship, Odette and Julia met on the playground.  Between us we have nine kids, two husbands and one puppy. We also have decades of experience in school leadership and corporate management. Coaching and mentoring the tutors in our community is the thing that gives us both the most joy.

We’d love to welcome you into the community.

Step 1: Enhanced DBS Check and Update Service Registration

The first step in demonstrating your commitment to responsible tutoring is obtaining an Enhanced DBS check and registering on the Update Service. This ensures that you meet the highest standards of safety and trustworthiness, providing peace of mind to students, parents, and clients. 

- Already have an Enhanced DBS? Move directly to Step 2
- Need an Enhanced DBS? Obtain one here.

Note: Qualified Tutor Members receive a £15 discount for the Enhanced DBS check.

Step 2: Join Our Daily DBS Service

Once you have an Enhanced DBS registered on the Update Service, enhance your credentials by joining our Daily DBS Service. This service is included in the Qualified Tutor Membership or available separately for just £4.99 a month. 

As a member of the Daily DBS Service, you'll receive a live digital credential to proudly display on your social media, email signature, website, and more, championing #responsibletutoring wherever you go. 

Are you ready to become certified?

At Qualified Tutor, certification goes beyond basic requirements. Our members have certification included in their membership, which covers a comprehensive 5-point checklist. As a member of Qualified Tutor, you have access to all these resources, ensuring you are the safest and most responsible tutor for your students.

We can help you every step of the way!