Category Archives: Learning Difficulties

How do we learn to read?

Victoria Burns returns with a thought-provoking piece on what teacher training in the present day....

Supporting Students with Low Confidence – A Practical Guide

Kayleigh Crouch, Director of Bright Sparks Tutors, pens a thorough account of what it means....

The Growth Mindset – Catalyst for Sustainable Development

Anthonia Eddo takes us through her analysis of the power of a Growth Mindset and....

Love Tutoring Festival Late Night Live Podcast Transcript – SEND & Mental Health with Ludo, Nina Jackson, Amanda Cremona and Clio Tucker

In our drive towards making the content that Qualified Tutor produces more accessible, Jack Simmonds....

Love Tutoring Festival: Maths Anxiety and Dyscalculia: The How and the Why for Tutors, with Judy Brice

Helen Osmond, a well experienced Maths tutor herself, takes us through why every tutor, Maths-based....

Love Tutoring Festival: Support for Reading, with Jack Churchill and Julia Clouter

Amanda Cremona introduces Jack Churchill and Julia Clouter, who will be speaking on Day 1....

Love Tutoring: What do we sell?

But how do we know what our product is as tutors? Yes, we assist students....

Failing My A-Levels Was the Best Thing That Could Have Happened to Me

The title needs little explanation, yet this is about as far from clickbait as possible.....

Exam Access Arrangements: who, what, how and why

In part two of her introductory series, Hazel Barnett takes us through a detailed look....